
Prednisone (CAS 53-03-2) is a medication belonging to the glucocorticoid class, commonly prescribed to treat various diseases and conditions characterized by inflammation, immune system dysfunction, or hormonal imbalances.

Prednisone is effective in treating severe allergies, including allergic reactions to substances such as pollen, animal dander, medications, and insect bites. It helps suppress the immune response responsible for allergic symptoms.

Prednisone may also be used to manage conditions such as kidney disorders, adrenal problems, and flare-ups of certain chronic diseases.


Pharmaceutical production uses chemical raw materials as the basic materials. You can also learn about these chemicals: CAS 137-16-6, CAS 9007-49-2,CAS 85666-92-8,CAS 12068-85-8, CAS 7790-80-9,CAS 25895-60-7,CAS 35031-55-1,CAS 78755-81-4,CAS 112809-51-5.

Introduced in 1955, prednisone is a man-made replica of cortisone. The adrenal glands normally produces an amount of steroids equivalent to about 5 mg. of prednisone a day.

Prednisone is a synthetic, anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid that derives from cortisone. It is biologically inert and converted to prednisolone in the liver.